Division of Academic Affairs and Cooperation

Division of Academic Affairs and Cooperation

The Division of Academic Affairs and Cooperation oversees a broad spectrum of academic and cooperative activities within the institution. From policy development for various academic degrees to the execution and assessment of these programs, the division is integral to ensuring a seamless and enriching educational experience for the students.

Key Responsibilities:

Formulating policies for bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and other academic programs.

Executing daily academic functions and tasks.

Evaluating all educational programs in both quantitative and qualitative terms.

Maintaining records, statistics, enrollment, and graduation data for all academic levels.

Overseeing student development initiatives, including clubs, voluntary work, and part-time employment opportunities.

Administering tuition grants, loan assistance, and e-learning efforts.

Ensuring a secure and reliable ICT environment and maintaining a functional learning management system.

Fostering professional growth and development for professors and teaching staff, ensuring a unified approach.

Sub-divisions within the Department:

Training and Digital Transformation Unit

Develops and implements undergraduate education policies.

Manages daily training activities, evaluations, and analyses.

Oversees undergraduate enrollment, graduation, and teaching practices.

Administers tuition grants, loan assistance, and e-learning initiatives.

Maintains the ICT infrastructure and ensures the reliability of the training management information system.

Supports professional and methodological development of professors and teachers, ensuring a cohesive policy direction.

Graduate Program Office

Implements master's and doctoral education policies.

Manages the daily workflow of graduate training and evaluations.

Supervises admission processes for graduate programs and ensures a smooth graduation process.

Provides tuition grants and loan assistance for graduate students.

Facilitates cultural and community exchanges, particularly among international graduate students, fostering a global academic environment.

Service Center for Student Development

Supports the holistic development of undergraduate students.

Implements and supports voluntary initiatives driven by students.

Manages student clubs, facilitating collaboration and growth.

Offers part-time job opportunities, paving the way for future career development and readiness.