1. "Positive attitude - healthy student" monthly campaign to promote student health was launched.
The opening event of the "POSITIVE ATTITUDE - HEALTHY STUDENTS" campaign organized by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth, the General Department of Health Insurance, the Metropolitan Health Department, the implementing agency of the Government. It was held on 14.10.2024 in the 200th hall of the 1st building, and 205 students participated. In the framework of the campaign, we are working to provide students with health insurance, organize health education courses and discussions, and undergo preventive examinations.
2. Students of the final grade of Altanbulag Sum Elementary School of Selenge province visited MSU.
On October 17, 2024, 38 students of the 12th grade of Altanbulag Sum General Education School of Selenge Province visited MUBIS and made a trip to familiarize themselves with the admission information of the bachelor's program of MUBIS and the learning environment. As part of the trip, students interested in studying at MSU were introduced in detail to the study environment, MSU's scholarship program and opportunities, and answered the students' questions.